
At New Discovery, we’re committed to people.  Jesus commanded us to not just share the Gospel with people, but to love them, support them and help them grow as believers.  All this combined is known as discipleship.  During our Sunday School sessions, in our midweek and small group studies, and as friends meeting off site to study and grow in God’s word, we’re committed to supporting any and all who want to know more about Jesus. 

Adult Sunday School

Join Pastor Joe as he leads us through the Explore the Bible Studies and helps to understand the truths of our faith so that we can be better equipped to face the struggles of the Chrisitan Life with boldness and confidence in our God.


But Jesus said, "Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." – Matthew 19:14

Kids Zone exists to teach children what the Bible has to say to them and how to apply it to their lives in a fun and loving atmosphere. We teach them about prayer, bible study, worship and sharing the Gospel. We believe children have an important role in the church and we strive to help them grow in that role.

But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves" — 2 Corinthians 4:7

Clay Vessels exists to guide teens to worship God, to grow as Christ Followers, and to make an impact for God in their community. We also teach teens to help lead the younger generation in their Christian walk. We show how Scripture still speaks to the issues that face our teens today.

Clay Vessels Youth Group